Dr. Irma Hein werkt als kinder- en jeugdpsychiater bij Levvel, afdeling gezinspsychiatrie, is EMDR-, TF-CBT- en IGT-K-therapeut, en postdoc onderzoeker bij Amsterdam UMC afdeling Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie. Van 2011 tot 2015 heeft zij een door ZonMw gehonoreerd project geleid waarop ze is gepromoveerd: Development and use of a standardised instrument for assessing children’s competence to consent in drug trials: are legally established age limits valid? Ze is betrokken als begeleider / co-promotor bij diverse onderzoeken van de afdeling, heeft de afgelopen jaren ruim 30 internationale artikelen gepubliceerd, een aantal boekhoofdstukken, en de redactie van 3 boeken gedaan. Verder is zij actief door presentaties te geven en als lid van o.a. de expertisegroep Trauma en Kindermishandeling van het Landelijk Kenniscentrum Kinder- en Jeugdpsychiatrie.
Waarom werk je in de (G)GZ? Wat drijft jou?
Wat mij drijft, is de zorg voor jeugdigen en gezinnen met gehechtheidstrauma steeds verder te verbeteren.
Wat is het belangrijkste wat u wilt meegegeven aan cursisten?
Ik werk graag met mensen die gemotiveerd zijn om te leren en om hun mogelijkheden uit te breiden.
Hoe ziet uw vakgebied er in de toekomst uit?
In de toekomst hoop ik dat de hele maatschappij zich meer bewust is van de gevolgen van trauma, en wat iedereen kan doen om de gevolgen ervan te beperken.
- Kooij, L.H, Pol, van der T.M., Daams, J., Hein, I.M., Lindauer, R.J.L. (2022). Common elements of evidence-based trauma therapy for children and adolescents. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
- Hoeven, van der M.L., Plukaard, S.C., Schlattmann, N.E.F., Lindauer, R.J.L., Hein, I.M. (2022, submitted). A new treatment model for trauma and attachment: SCED study results. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
- Hoeven, van der M.L., Assink, M., Stam, G.J.J.J., Lindauer, R.J.L., Daams, J., Hein, I.M (2022, under review). Risk factors for dropout of psychological trauma treatment after child abuse and neglect: A meta-analytic review. Journal of Child and Adolescent Trauma.
- Hoeven, van der M.L., Widdershoven, G.A.M., Duin, van E.M., Hein, I.M., Lindauer, R.J.L. (2022). A preliminary support program for children and mothers in domestic violence shelters: A qualitative study. Journal Child and Family Social Work.
- Snoo-Trimp, de S., Vries, de A.L.C., Molewijk, A.C., Hein, I.M. (2022, submitted). How to deal with moral challenges around the decision-making competence in transgender adolescent care? Development of an ethics support tool. BMC Medical Ethics.
- Vrouenraets, L.J.J.J., Vries, de A.L.C., Arnoldussen, M., Hannema, S.E., Lindauer, R.J.L., Vries, de M.C., Hein, I.M. (2022, under review). Stakeholders’ perceptions on medical decision-making competence regarding puberty suppression in transgender adolescents. European Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.
- Verhagen, I.L., Noom, M., Lindauer, R.J.L, Daams, J. Hein, I.M. (2022, submitted). Mental Health Screening and Assessment Tools for Forcibly Displaced Children: A Systematic Review. European Journal of Psychotraumatology.
- Meynen, M., Colonnesi, C., Abrahamse, M. E., Hein, I., Stams, G. J. J., & Lindauer, R. J. (2022). A Cohort Study on the Effect of Parental Mind-Mindedness in Parent− Child Interaction Therapy. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(8), 4533.
- Vrouenraets, L. J., de Vries, A. L., de Vries, M. C., van der Miesen, A. I., & Hein, I. M. (2021). Assessing Medical Decision-Making Competence in Transgender Youth. Pediatrics, 148(6), e2020049643.
- Lieke J.J.J. Vrouenraets, Martine C. de Vries, Irma M. Hein, Marijn Arnoldussen, Sabine E. Hannema & Annelou L.C. de Vries (2021.) Perceptions on the function of puberty suppression of transgender adolescents who continued or discontinued treatment, their parents, and clinicians. International Journal of Transgender Health, DOI: 10.1080/26895269.2021.1974324
- Van der Hoeven, M. L., Widdershoven, G. A., van Duin, E. M., Hein, I. M., & Lindauer, R. J. (2021). “Time for Tony the Turtle”: Experiences with the use of a hand puppet in a program for young children in domestic violence shelters. The Arts in Psychotherapy, 101840.
- Wijngaarde, R.O., Hein, I., Daams, J. et al. (2021). Chronically ill children’s participation and health outcomes in shared decision-making: a scoping review. Eur J Pediatr (2021).
- Brouwer, M. A., Maeckelberghe, E. L., van der Heide, A., Hein, I. M., & Verhagen, E. A. (2021). Breaking bad news: what parents would like you to know. Archives of Disease in Childhood, 106(3), 276-281.
- Vrouenraets, L. J. J. J., Hartman, L. A., Hein, I. M., de Vries, A. L., de Vries, M. C., & Molewijk, B. A. (2020). Dealing with Moral Challenges in Treatment of Transgender Children and Adolescents: Evaluating the Role of Moral Case Deliberation. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 1-16.
- Brouwer, M., Maeckelberghe, E. L., van der Heide, A., Hein, I., & Verhagen, E. (2020). Barriers in care for children with life-threatening conditions: a qualitative interview study in the Netherlands. BMJ open, 10(6), e035863.
- Gigengack, M.R., Hein, I.M., Van Meijel, E.P.M., Lindeboom, R., Johannes B. van Goudoever, Ramón J.L. Lindauer. Accuracy of the Diagnostic Infant and Preschool Assessment (DIPA) in a Dutch sample, Comprehensive Psychiatry, Volume 100, 2020, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.comppsych.2020.152177.
- Gigengack, M.R., Hein, I.M., Lindeboom, R. et al. Increasing Resource Parents’ Sensitivity towards Child Posttraumatic Stress Symptoms: a Descriptive Study on a Trauma-Informed Resource Parent Training. Journ Child Adol Trauma 12, 23–29 (2019). https://doi.org/10.1007/s40653-017-0162-z
- Hein IM, Kempes M, Popma A, Graef GPF, Meynen G. (2019). Criminal Responsibility Assessments in Youth Defendants Compared to Criteria for Decision-Making Competence: An Explorative File Study. Under submission.
- Dorscheidt JHHM, Hein IM (2018). Medical Research involving Children – Giving Weight to Children's Views. International Journal Children’s Rights, 26, 93-116 (2018), DOI:https://doi.org/10.1163/15718182-02601006
- Grootens-Wiegers P, Hein IM, Staphorst M (2018). Using children’s voice to optimize pediatric participation in medical decision-making. American Journal of Bioethics, 18(3):14-16, DOI 10.1080/15265161.2017.1418928
- Horlings AH, Hein IM (2017). Psychiatric screening and interventions for minor refugees in Europe: an overview of approaches and tools. European Journal of Pediatrics. DOI 10.1007/s00431-017-3027-4
- Grootens-Wiegers P, Hein IM, Van den Broek JM, De Vries MC (2017). Medical decision-making in children and adolescents: developmental and neuroscientific aspects. BMC Pediatrics 17:120 DOI 10.1186/s12887-017-0869-x
- Hein IM, Troost PW, Lindeboom R, Goudoever JBv, Lindauer RJL. Key factors in children's competence to consent to clinical research. BMC Medical Ethics 2015, 16:74. doi:10.1186/s12910-015-0066-0
- Hein IM, de Vries MC, Troost PW, Meynen G, Lindauer RJL, van Goudoever JB. Informed consent instead of assent is appropriate in children from the age of twelve. BMC Medical Ethics 2015, 16:76. DOI: 10.1186/s12910-015-0067-z
- Hein IM, Troost PW, Broersma A, de Vries MC, Daams JG, Lindauer RJL (2015). Why is it Hard to Make Progress in Assessing Children’s Decision-Making Competence? BMC Medical Ethics, 16:1 doi:10.1186/1472-6939-16-1
- Hein IM, Troost PW, de Vries MC, Knibbe CAJ, Goudoever JBv, Lindauer RJL (2015). Why do children decide not to participate in clinical research: a quantitative and qualitative study. Pediatric Research. 78(1):103-108. doi:10.1038/pr.2015.74
- Hein IM, Troost PW, Lindeboom R, Christiaans I, Grisso T, Goudoever JBv, Lindauer RJL. (2015). Assessing Children’s Competence to Consent to Predictive Genetic Testing: a Pilot Study. Journal of Genetic Counseling, DOI: 10.1007/s10897-015-9835-7
- Hein IM, Troost PW, Lindeboom R, Benninga MA, Zwaan CM, Goudoever JB van, Lindauer RJLL (2014). Accuracy of the MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool for Clinical Research (MacCAT-CR) for Measuring Children's Competence to Consent to Clinical Research. JAMA Pediatr. 168(12):1147-53. doi:10.1001/jamapediatrics.2014.1694
- Hein IM, Daams J, Troost PW, Lindeboom R, Lindauer RJL. (2014). Accuracy of assessment instruments for patients' competence to consent to medical treatment or research. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. (5). DOI: 10.1002/14651858.
- Hein IM, Troost PW, Lindeboom R, de Vries MC, Zwaan CM, Lindauer RJ. (2012). Assessing children's competence to consent in research by a standardized tool: a validity study. BMC Pediatr. 2012 Sep 25;12:156. doi: 10.1186/1471-2431-12-156.